Advertising Information

Neighbors Directory Advertising

The directory is an online only directory of home, garden, lawn & lifestyle providers.  

The directory is promoted in all of our print and electronic publications with a total circulation of over 90k.

To be included in each of our Weekly Emails to homeowners all over the country, approx. 12k total and growing.

The average monthly promotional circulation is approx. 100k.

Marketed online via Google, Facebook, SEO, and more.

Promoted on Neighborhood News website and other company related social media outlets.

Broaden the scope of your advertising today!

Contact us NOW at

Basic Directory Listing

Prime Listing

Deluxe Listing

Slide Header

Featured Business

Article Sponsor



What’s Included









*All rates are monthly

Print Advertising

Our sister company, Neighborhood News, Inc. publishes newsletters for neighborhood groups. We have publications in San Antonio, Austin & Dallas as well as South Carolina. 

For print rates & information please send us an email  and a sales representative will contact you. You may also call us as (210) 558-3160.


“Our retirement community has advertised with the Neighbors Choice crew for over 20 years. We have found that neighborhood residents really do read their newsletter each month because they tell us they knew about us because of the newsletter. The staff is very easy to work with. They adjust well to your advertising needs and will work with you to develop an ad schedule that is right for you.”.
Martha Anderson
Marketing Director
“As a small business owner, I’ve been running ads in four neighborhood newsletters. Right after the newsletters starting hitting the mail boxes, I received several calls and got a few jobs right away. I am extremely happy with my decision to advertise with the Neighbors Choice family.”
Meagan Harvey
Franchise Info

Our parent company, Neighbors Choice® is offering neighborhood newsletter franchise opportunities, giving you the flexibility of a low cost home based franchise while creating a product that benefits neighborhoods and small businesses in the area.

Dynamic, detailed-oriented entrepreneurs will thrive with this innovative franchise concept, trained and supported by our organization’s 25 years of experience designing and publishing effective neighborhood newsletters for more than 100 communities throughout major cities in Texas.

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